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Ibnu Arabi and his Book Fushus Hikam.

Ibnu Arabi is one of the biggest and most influential Sufi experts in the history of Tasawwuf development in the world of Islam. Ibnu Ibnu Arabi's influence on the development of Tasawwuf, especially philosophical Tasawwuf is extraordinary. Ibnu Arabi's ideas spread throughout the Islamic world and gained countless followers. He is a Sufi philosopher who has a line of thought that ignores the method of reason, namely the method of analysis and synthesis. He took the approach of emotional imagery and symbolism. He explained the thought of Tasawwuf through his mystical experience with philosophical understanding, thus his Tasawwuf was called Falsafi Tasawwuf. Some of Ibnu Arabi's great ideas that are most influential on the development of Tasawwuf are wahdah al-wujud (unity of being), alam al-khayal (world of imagination), and al-insan al-kamil (perfect man).
Ibnu Arabi is a Sufi who is highly productive in producing works. Of his many works, Fushush Hikam is the most important and representative of his ideas. Fushus al-Hikam, as the title suggests, contains wisdom from the stories of the prophets. Ibnu Arabi doesn’t only use description by describing the stories of the prophets that are commonly written by theologians or historians, but in accordance with his capacity as a Sufi, he also incorporates elements of mystical Tasawwuf in every analysis he builds. There are many transcendental secrets revealed in this book, including a review of cosmology. It talks about nature, humans, and God and some of its discussions also talk about immanence. 
The book of Fushus Hikam is his greatest work which had an influence in shaping the faith of Sufis in his time. The content in this work is entirely based on his inspiration of spiritual knowledge from the Prophet. He said: "I am neither a Prophet nor an apostle, but an heir, sowing seeds in my after life". He explained that the book of Fushus was revealed to him from the Prophet. In the book Fushus Hikam, Ibnu Arabi combines the unity of thought and the power of conscience to support his doctrine of the unity of being (wahdatul wujud). This book presents metaphysical thought in a very subtle way along with a sharply defined prophetic theme. 
The book of fushuh hikam is written with uslub which uses the language of symbols and signs, and he writes with the language of the subconscious which is one of the causes of the ambiguity in the language of Ibnu Arabi's tasawwuf. Ibnu Arabi discusses the revelation of the prophets' divine wisdom or the sentence of God from Adam to Muhammad based on the interpretation of the Qur'anic text and hadith using idiomatic and figurative language that makes his theories in this book tend to be difficult to understand. In this book, he symbolizes the realities of spiritual knowledge that he received as a legacy from the Prophet. However, these realities cannot be understood by the human mind. That is why this book is one of the most criticized and controversial books. The difficulty in understanding his theories is not only evident in Fushus Hikam but also in other books that characterize his Sufi metaphysics
Hairus Saleh
Hairus Saleh Akademisi jadi blogger. Blogger menjadi tempat untuk tuangkan berbagai gagasan dan pemikiran.

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